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This implements PAIRED.

See the DR example for details about what this outputs, and how to run it.


Argument Name Description Default
--project Wandb project JAXUED_TEST
--run_name This controls where the checkpoints are stored None
--seed Random seed 0
--mode "train" or "eval" train
--checkpoint_directory Only valid if mode==eval where to load checkpoint from None
--checkpoint_to_eval Only valid if mode==eval. This is the timestep to load from the above checkpoint directory -1
--checkpoint_save_interval How often to save checkpoints 0
--max_number_of_checkpoints How many checkpoints to save in total 60
--eval_freq How often to evaluate the agent and log 250
--eval_num_attempts How many attempts (episodes) per level to run for evaluation 10
--eval_levels The eval levels to use "SixteenRooms", "SixteenRooms2", "Labyrinth", "LabyrinthFlipped", "Labyrinth2", "StandardMaze", "StandardMaze2", "StandardMaze3"
--num_updates Number of updates. Mutually exclusive with num_env_steps. Generally, num_env_steps = num_updates * num_steps * num_train_envs 30000
--num_env_steps Number of env steps. Mutually exclusive with `num_updates`` None
--num_train_envs Number of training environments 32
--student_lr Student's learning rate 1e-4
--student_max_grad_norm Student's max PPO grad norm 0.5
--student_num_steps Student's number of PPO rollout steps 256
--student_num_minibatches Student's number of PPO minibatches 1
--student_gamma Student's discount factor 0.995
--student_epoch_ppo Student's number of PPO epochs 5
--student_clip_eps Student's PPO Epsilon Clip 0.2
--student_gae_lambda Student's PPO Lambda 0.98
--student_entropy_coeff Student's PPO entropy coefficient 1e-3
--student_critic_coeff Student's Critic coefficient
--adv_lr Adversary's learning rate 1e-4
--adv_max_grad_norm Adversary's max PPO grad norm 0.5
--adv_num_steps Adversary's number of PPO rollout steps 50
--adv_num_minibatches Adversary's number of PPO minibatches 1
--adv_gamma Adversary's discount factor 0.995
--adv_epoch_ppo Adversary's number of PPO epochs 5
--adv_clip_eps Adversary's PPO Epsilon Clip 0.2
--adv_gae_lambda Adversary's PPO Lambda 0.98
--adv_entropy_coeff Adversary's PPO entropy coefficient 1e-3
--adv_critic_coeff Adversary's Critic coefficient 0.5
--agent_view_size The number of tiles the agent can see in front of it 5
--n_walls Number of walls to generate 25